Winners Concrete Design Competition 2023-2024 announced

The jury of the Dutch Concrete Design Competition announced June 6 the award winners of the 2023-2024 edition. From 40 entries, the jury selected eight nominations, from which three winners and an honorable mention were chosen. The first and second place winners will get to participate in this year's Concrete Design Masterclass, which will take place at our Training Center this year.

Creative ideas contest

The Concrete Design Competition is a biennial ideas competition for structural, architectural and civil engineering students. “We challenge students to design with concrete, to explore the unique and aesthetic properties of this material within this edition’s theme: PRESENCE. This challenging theme addresses how the material can impart a certain tactile experience to the form of a space or object in the built environment,” said Cindy Vissering of Tektoniek.

Versatile entries

The broad competition yielded a wide variety of design ideas, ranging from façade details and stacked open structures to urban design elements and structural details. “It was a challenge to properly compare the wide variety of entries,” said Pim Peters, chairman of the jury. “But we arrived at a nice selection of winners.” On June 6 at TU Delft, the nominees presented their designs to interested parties, followed by the announcement of the winners.

Winners and prizes

First prize went to Hydrowall, a green façade design with two degrees of porosity in the concrete. Second prize was for Fabric[ated] Strength, in which columns are made of two layers of textile with dry cement concrete hardening in between. Third prize was won by Skycrete, a semi-open roof design for a pavilion with scaled forms. An honorable mention went to the design Playground of the future with playground elements made of 3D-printed concrete.

First and second prize winners may participate in the International Concrete Design Masterclass, while first, second and third prize winners will also receive a cash prize.

International Masterclass

The Concrete Design Competition is also held in Germany, Belgium, Austria and Ireland. In the Netherlands, the design competition is coordinated from Tektoniek, platform for concrete architecture. The winners from the five countries will come together in the Concrete Design Masterclass, which will take place this year at Saint-Gobain Weber in the Netherlands. At the Training Center, the students will both create designs to be printed on the industrial concrete printer in our 3D concrete printing factory and also create their own concrete objects with textile molds.

Do you want to know more about the possibilities of 3D concrete printing? Contact us then.

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